Know Your Rights – Informative Talk / Þekktu réttindi þín

Know Your Rights – Informative Talk / Þekktu réttindi þín

*In English below

Hver eru réttindi mín á Íslandi? Hvernig get ég tryggt hagsmuni mína í kjölfar skilnaðar? Aukin þekking á réttindum er valdeflandi.
Claudia Ashonie Wilson Molloy, héraðsdómslögmaður, verður með erindi fyrir konur af erlendum uppruna um réttindi sín á Íslandi. Málefni kvenna er varða réttindi og tryggingu dvalarleyfis á Íslandi í kjölfar skilnaðar eða sambandsslita eru skoðuð. Fer hún sérstaklega yfir mál er varða heimilisofbeldi.
Allar konur eru velkomnar. Þátttaka er ókeypis.

What are my rights in a relationship here in Iceland? What about divorce, how do I protect myself and secure my residency in case of divorce? What about my children?

Claudia Ashonie Wilson Molloy, a District Court attorney, will discuss how women can secure their rights and residency in Iceland in cases of divorce, especially related to domestic violence. Do you know a woman of foreign origin in Iceland who would benefit from this talk? This event is not only for women experiencing abuse or getting divorced. Knowledge is power and empowering yourself by knowing your rights as a woman in Iceland is always beneficial. You might be able to help a friend in need.

All women are welcome, no participation fee.

Söguhringur kvenna/The Women’s Story Circle is a platform for women from all walks of life to meet and connect by coming together and expressing through various art forms. At the same time we also provide information about the culture and society in which we live. All women are welcome to participate at any time.
The Women’s Story Circle is a cooperation between Reykjavik City Library and W.O.M.E.N in Iceland. The winter/spring program 2020 is funded by The Ministry of Social Affairs.
All information about the activities of The Women‘s Story Circle on the website of Reykjavík City Library and on Facebook.


mar 01 2020


1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Gerðuberg Reykjavík Iceland 111