Events News

Do you want to run for a seat on the board of W.O.M.E.N.?

Are you passionate about getting involved in issues that affect women of foreign origin?

Do you want to network with other people, organizations and NGOs who share the same interest and work hard on these issues?

The Association of Women of Foreign Origin in Iceland is now accepting applications from members who want to run for a seat on our board. Elections will take place in the upcoming elections on November 27, 2023 at the general meeting. We encourage women of foreign origin who are willing and able to volunteer their time and energy for the benefit of other women of foreign origin in Iceland to apply for a seat on the board!

Board members 2003-2023
Many former board members are important voices in Icelandic society

What is expected of you, as a board member or deputy?

– To participate in and support our projects, according to your choice: Peer support, the Women’s table, World Food Café, Women’s story circle, lectures or workshops (gender violence, employment, education, politics, empowerment…).

– Show willingness to manage and develop new projects in the future if necessary. Bring your ideas!

– Be active in drawing attention to projects, sharing information and promoting the participation of women of foreign origin, either in our projects or collaborative projects with other organizations.

– To represent the organization at meetings and conferences in Iceland (for example, the Welfare Watch, Multicultural Council, Human Rights Office) and work on policy development. If possible, also abroad.

– Take at least one shift every 4-8 weeks in peer support on Tuesday evenings with other members.

– Attend board meetings.

– Assist in managing social media and emails on a regular basis

What are the requirements?

– Members who have paid their annual dues before the general meeting are eligible for a seat on the board

– It is good to be able to read, write or speak some Icelandic at a minimum (does not have to be perfect)

-Have education, experience (project manager, programmer, expert on a topic, event manager, public speaker, translator, social media manager, psychologist, consultant, accountant, author…) and/or time to give to the organization

-Being ready to work in a diverse group, show mutual respect and respect the democratic values of the organisation

Board elections

All registered members have the right to sit at the general meeting, enjoy freedom of speech and the right to make proposals. Members who have paid their annual dues before the general meeting are eligible for board seats and voting rights. If you’re not yet a paid member… there’s still time to sign up!

The board is elected at a general meeting and consists of 7 board members elected for two years and up to three deputies elected for one year at a time.

The board divides tasks at the first board meeting after the election. All board members have freedom of speech, the right to make proposals and the right to vote. Deputies have freedom of speech, the right to make proposals and sit in all board meetings.

If a board member resigns, a deputy takes a seat on the board and thereby ends the term of office of the outgoing board member.

The board sets the organization’s direction at the general meetings, supervises its finances and operations, and appoints representatives to committees and strategic councils and groups.

How do I apply?

Send an email to  with the following information no later than the 24th of November 2023


 * Heimilisfang/Address



*Mynd (valfrjáls)/Picture (optional)

 * A brief summary of your experience with women’s and immigration rights and your reasons for running (e.g. what goals do you want to achieve as a board member, what do you want to help with).

Note that this is not a paid job. All board members and alternates are volunteers as we are a charitable organization. The association has an office worker in part-time (20%), which the board will have to make a decision about for the coming year. More information about our association and our work can be found on our website:

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