
Minnum á fundi annað kvöld / A Reminder About our Meeting Tomorrow Evening

Við minnum á fundi annað  miðvikudaginn 11. desember  klukkan 18:00 -19:00 vegna breytingatillagna á lögum samtakanna. Fundurinn verður haldinn í Menningarhúsi Gerðubergs í Efra Breiðholti.

Ef einhver vill fá send eintök af breytingatillögunum vinsamlega hafið samband

We would like to remind everyone of our meeting tomorrow evening Wednesday the 11th of December from 18:00 -19:00, regarding amendments to our bylaws. The meeting will be held at  Gerðuberg Culturehouse in Breiðholt.

If you would like a copy of the amendments please contact

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